How to supercharge your sustainable urban mobility plan!

Meetings & ideas

The 4th European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans will take place in Dubrovnik, Croatia on 29-30 March 2017. This year’s main theme is Intelligent Planning for Sustainable Mobility.

Katarina  Evanth from Trivector presents how to “Supercharge your SUMP with MaxSUMO and SHIFT”. Trivector has a long experience in working with SUMPs, and different tools that support their development. These tools include EcoMobility SHIFT and its Swedish counterpart SHIFT.

EcoMobility SHIFT is a European methodology with twenty indicators which allows cities to assess how sustainable their transport system is. SHIFT is a Swedish adaptation and development of EcoMobility SHIFT which is used to make an annual ranking of the 40 largest Swedish municipalities in terms of sustainable transport. SHIFT has sparked an interest in many cities to work smarter and better with sustainable mobility.

The presentation will also cover MaxSUMO and MaxQ, two tools that can be used to evaluate sustainability in mobility projects.

Katarina will present in the session C1: ”Result-driven planning using SUMP indicators”.

More information

Read the program of the conference

Katarina Evanth, 010-456 56 12.