Deakin University to study active transport with TravelVu app

Sustainable transport

TravelVu will make its debut in Australia next year as a new study of travel patterns kicks off in the 2022. Researchers at Deakin University plan to use the TravelVu app to collect data on the travel behaviours of Australians to ultimately promote more active transport.

Pedestrian bicycle lane australia

Getting accurate data on how people travel is critical to taking targeted measures to promote sustainable and active travel. Researchers at Deakin University’s Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition (IPAN) are interested in learning how the collection of better travel data can help them in promoting active travel for healthier lifestyles. To do so, they are partnering with Trivector to conduct a TravelVu study to collect travel data through the mobile application. The results, in connection to a survey, will give information on how and where Australians walk and bike.

“Low cost, wide reaching interventions aimed at promoting active travel are a public health priority. A smartphone app providing users with the ability to plan and track their journeys, set goals, and receive timely reminders may hold promise. The proposed research will guide the adaptation of a bespoke app to ensure it holds relevance in the Australian context,” says Shannon Sahlqvist, researcher and Senior Lecturer in Physical Activity and Health.

A first for TravelVu in Australia

This study will be the first time TravelVu will be collecting data in Australia, which provides exciting opportunities for researching how countries and cultures outside of the EU compare in terms of travel habits and app usage. It will be a great opportunity for Trivector to learn and develop the global application of the mobile app.

“We are excited to be a piece in the puzzle of facilitating walking and cycling in Australia and to learn how TravelVu performs “down under”. This will support our work of providing a high-quality app in many different contexts and hopefully be the first of many data collections in Australia.” says Emeli Adell, head of business area Future Transport Systems at Trivector Traffic.

More information

If you want to know more about the study or the TravelVu mobile app visit

Or contact the project leader for the study, Kristen Koehler +46 (0)10-456 56 78,