New large EU project for climate smart solutions

Sustainable transport

The Swedish city of Gothenburg has together with the cities of Nice in France and Utrecht in the Netherlands been granted €18 m by the EU for a 5-year project. The project will focus on open data and testing climate smart solutions for energy production and sustainable transport. Trivector as a partner in the project is tasked to further develop and implement the mobility service EC2B.

The project, named IRIS, was ranked number one of all the applicants to the EUs Lighthouse programme. Gothenburg, Nice and Utrecht will develop solutions for energy, sustainable transport and spread the use of open data. The three cities will learn from one another and the solutions will be available for use by other cities. From Sweden there are 11 partners: the City of Gothenburg, Johanneberg Science Park, Akademiska Hus, Chalmers, HSB, Metry, Trivector, Tyréns, Riksbyggen, Rise, and IMCG.

Package of mobility services

Trivector will implement the mobility service EC2B in Riksbyggen’s premise Brf Viva in the Johanneberg district of Gothenburg. EC2B provides easy access to a packet of mobility services, including public transport, hire bicycles, carpooling, hire cars, taxis, home delivery etc. There is an environmental benefit to hiring, sharing or borrowing vehicles instead of private ownership. As a result of EC2B, there will be also be a reduced demand for car parking spaces for newly built accommodation, which represents a large part of the construction cost. The service also includes a “personal trainer” in sustainable mobility to maximise the benefit of the service.

– “We are looking forward to contributing to the project with the EC2B mobility service” said Björn Wendle, Trivector. “It is also an exciting partner network in which I hope we will be able to have rewarding exchanges.”


Björn Wendle, 010-456 56 09, Emma Lund, 010-456 56 30.