What is needed to speed up the processes of electrification?


As a designated sector in the climate policy framework, Sweden aims to reduce emissions from the transport sector by 70% by 2030 as compared to emission levels in 2010. Biofuels are an important piece of the puzzle just as much so as the effort to reduce transport demands. But electrification of the transport system appears to be the most important factor in achieving our climate goals in the long term, if we are going to have a society with a continued high quality of life.



The development of batteries is moving quickly, and new electric vehicles are being introduced on the market continually. Many new electrification projects are on-going, including the electrification of electric busses in Sweden, but the transition to electric vehicles is happening too slowly. In order to accelerate the pace, proactive network planning, new collaborations, and good examples are needed.

Proactive network planning

For the expansion of the electric grid to be possible and to be in place when the demand arises, a good understanding of different actors’ future demands is necessary. Therefore, it is crucial that different actors communicate their future electricity demands to grid operators.

New collaboration

Battery operated vehicles provides new advantages for smart balancing in the electric grid. To take full advantage of the possible benefits, the energy and transport sectors must cooperate in new ways and learn from each other’s efforts.

Good examples

To facilitate the change needed, good examples of people and organizations that have succeed in switching to electric-based vehicles need to be lifted so that the change in travel behaviour is seen a possible step for those who have not come as far.

The technology for electrification of the transport sector already exists. Now we must use the knowledge we have in order to identify where we should focus and start efforts to overcome the necessary transition of electrification.

More information

This is an excerpt from a longer trend analysis of electrification, available to read at: Let’s get started! But how to we make the transition to an electrified transport system?

 Read about electrification of busses in Region Stockholm (English):

For more information contact Anna Clark, Business area manager for Climate, energy and the environment at Trivector Traffic.