Will moped taxis contribute to the future’s sustainable transport system?
Currently there are relatively large changes taking place within the transport sector. Overall trends such as digitalization and servitization of the transport system influence the conditions for development of regulations in different transport authorities. In light of this Sweden in general and Stockholm in particular, has seen an emergence of a new form of electric moped vehicles.

The Swedish Transport Agency has identified the need to determine if the taxi law’s current definition is sufficient. Is there a need to regulate the new types of taxi vehicles to reach the transport policy objectives?
By commission to the Swedish Transport Agency we have carried out a study regarding the conditions for moped taxis. This has entailed:
- A compilation of international examples and knowledge in the field
- An analysis of the effects that the new types of taxis have on the transport policy objectives
- Suggestions of measures to handle new types of taxi vehicles.
Coordinate legislation to steer development in the right direction
The study underlines the need to work with different scenarios regarding future moped taxis and a better way of using legislation to steer towards the transport policy goals. Important research efforts in this field will be needed concerning the coordination of legislation and regulation of micro-mobility as well as small mobility vehicles. This is partly done through a related study about electrical scooters. Moreover, there is a need for a holistic approach to new forms of mobility and different mobility services.
“An important conclusion of the study is that in the future, new methods are needed to develop the legal framework in cooperation with the different relevant players in the industry,” says Christian Dymén, researcher at Trivector Traffic and project manager of the study.
The development of new mobility services is fast-paced and places new requirements on innovative rulemaking and a closer dialogue with new types of stakeholders. It is becoming increasingly important for the legislators to have a close dialogue with the new players in the industry as well as with the actors who work with urban planning, to understand how legislation should be designed to steer towards the right benefits.
In the adaptation of the transport system, legislation is essential in helping to steer the development in the direction of the transport policy objectives.
More information
Read the whole report (in Swedish): Mopedtaxi i framtiden – Kunskapsunderlag för styrning mot de transportpolitiska målen
Want to learn more? Please contact Christian Dymén or Christian Fredricsson
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