Climate, energy and environment

    Climate, energy and environment

    Reducing the negative effects of transport systems and building for a sustainable transport future are core to the working ethics of Trivector

    In helping to bridge the gap between transport research and practice, Trivector have successfully helped municipalities and organisations to improve their efficiency in transport and reduce transport systems’ impact on the environment. Our expertise lies in having an in-depth understanding of transport systems and travel behaviour, and analysis of climate, energy and environment impacts from a system perspective. We study transport systems, generate new ideas, and facilitate change. We work with policy strategy and development, we do environmental assessments and calculations, and we help to transfer knowledge.

    A long line of cars.



    Emma Lund

    Emma Lund

    Forskningsansvarig I Miljö- och kvalitetsansvarig | Partner

    010-456 56 30

    Some examples of climate, energy and environment projects we have worked on

    Analysis of Stockholms accessible charging infrastructure for electric cars

    The City of Stockholm is working to improve the availability of charging stations. Several new charging stations have been installed in the past few years in collaboration with other actors. We have, for the City of Stockholm, made an evaluation of the their publicly accessible charging infrastructure based on data from all charging sessions from the beginning of quarter 4 2016 until the end of quarter 4 2017. A qualitative assessment of the infrastructure has also been made based on responses to a survey sent to Fortum and Vattenfall’s customers. For more information: Luke Hobbs, 010-456 56 73, Karin Neergaard, 010-456 56 16.

    The relay – Passing on environmental objectives to transport planning decisions

    The overall aim of the project is to study how national climate and environmental policy targets better can govern decisions at national, regional, and local levels in Swedish transport planning. Cooperation between IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute (project leader), Trivector Traffic, and Department of Technology and Society at Lund University. For more information: Hanna Wennberg (+46 10 456 56 08), Emma Lund (+46 10 456 56 30)

    Quick adaptation” of the transport system to a situation of reduced oil supply

    The Swedish transport system is highly dependent on oil. It is likely that a radical shift away from oil will be required when prices increase and / or supply is at a sudden low. We need to prepare strategies and plans for how we could quickly adapt our transport system to a different world. This Swedish project, funded by Vinnova, looked at weaknesses, robustness and preparedness in today’s transport system, including a study of which measures could give considerable reductions in oil dependence both on the short and long terms. Case studies for the Öresund region and Stockholm region are included in the study. For more information, please contact Lena Smidfelt Rosqvist, +46 10 456 56 10 or Karin Neergaard, +46 10 456 56 16.

    TransportMistra (2006-08)

    TransportMistra was an interdisciplinary Swedish research programme on sustainable transport and developed strategies, models and tools to help improve the long-term sustainability of the transport sector. It was formed around three subprojects – IMPACT, INFORM and INCLUDE. For more information, please contact Lena Smidfelt Rosqvist, +46 10 456 56 10, or visit the TransportMiSTRA website.

    E-misssion in the Öresund region

    The long term goal of the project ‘E-mission in The Øresund Region’ is to influence as many people and organisations as possible in the Øresund Region to replace their petrol or diesel powered cars with electric vehicles. Trivector developed a strategy for stakeholder involvement and location of charging points in the region. For more information please visit E-mission in the Öresund Region website or contact Emeli Adell +46 10 456 56 22.

    Consideration of induced traffic in planning

    The phenomenon of “induced traffic” whereby increased road capacity creates higher volumes of traffic is a well-accepted and researched phenomenon in transport research. In order to plan sustainable transport systems, it is important to understand the root causes and effects of induced traffic, and plan correctly so that investments are not found to be ineffective on the long term. This Swedish research project funded by the Swedish Road Administration ran in 2009 and 2010, aimed to improve understanding and handling of induced traffic. For more information, please contact Lena Smidfelt Rosqvist, +46 10 456 56 10.

    The role of e-commerce in creating energy efficiency savings for transport

    The project investigated the travel behavior of online shoppers in analysing the potential energy-saving benefits from an increase in online shopping. A survey including travel diary was distributed to a random sample to understand what the total effect of online shopping on travel behavior was (in terms of mode choice, distance traveled, number of trips, etc). This allowed for the calculation of energy use for online shoppers compared to those who do not regularly shop online. Trivector worked on the project together with the University of Lund, and in close collaboration with the freight part of LETS2050. The project was funded by the Swedish Energy Agency.  For more information, contact Lena Smidfelt Rosqvist, +46 10 456 56 10.