Trivector develops tools and software adapted to the Swedish market, for example: tools for travel surveys, to calculate noise levels, or a tool to calculate the levels of traffic generated from new land development. We have developed an app to perform semi-automatic travel surveys which you can read more about here. We use our in-house software Capcal, developed in cooperation with the Swedish Road Administration, to calculate traffic capacity at intersections (read more on the software page).
Surveys, analysis and mapping
We have extensive experience designing and performing travel surveys which we have performed in many local and regional authorities in Sweden. We undertake surveys, demand forecasting and impact studies, using a range of different software.
Tools and software

Lovisa Indebetou
Fokusområde resvanor I Fokusområde miljö och buller
Some of our relevant project experience
Travel surveys
Our reference list in undertaking travel surveys is extremely broad. Beyond implementing many travel surveys, we have also supported government agencies in developing travel survey methods. 4 references from our portfolio include:
- Use of the national travel survey – state of the art and recommendations (2013). A project for the Swedish government agency Transport Analysis on how the Swedish national travel survey is used, and recommendations to better design it.
- Methods for future travel surveys (2013). A project for Statens vegvesen in Norway to summarise knowledge of travel surveys in Sweden to input into future travel survey methods in Norway
- Travel Survey for the Municipality of Lindingö, Sweden – RVU Lidingö (2013). Travel survey designed and performed in the municipality of Lindingö.
- Travel behaviour and attitudes in Stockholm (2012). Travel survey and analysis on travel behaviour and attitudes in Stockholm.
Consideration of induced traffic in planning
The phenomenon of “induced traffic” whereby increased road capacity creates higher volumes of traffic is a well-accepted and researched phenomenon in transport research. In order to plan sustainable transport systems, it is important to understand the root causes and effects of induced traffic, and plan correctly so that investments are not found to be ineffective on the long term. This Swedish research project funded by the Swedish Road Administration ran in 2009 and 2010, aimed to improve understanding and handling of induced traffic. For more information, please contact Lena Smidfelt Rosqvist, +46 10 456 56 10.