Today car parking is heavily subsidised, with the costs often imposed on residential or office rents, goods and services, wages, etc. This means that the market for car parking is inefficient, and this leads to an artificially high demand for car use. As is required in every other resource-scarce economy, it is important that the demand is correctly reflected by price
In order for car parking policies to work, it is essential that parking covers its own costs as far as possible. Once the market is made fairer, working with parking policies and incentives provides an excellent way to manage the demand for car transport.
Parking – to govern the development of sustainable transport
Working with parking in a strategic way is an effective way to govern the development of a sustainable transport system. Trivector has worked for many years with parking on different levels. For example, we have helped in the development of parking strategies and policies in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Umeå, Uppsala, Järfälla, etc. We often work with developers by analysing parking needs for cars and bicycles in new developments, and we develop travel plans and proposals for how to reduce the number of parking places (and related costs).