Urban freight
Urban freight transport has long been put on the sidelines of urban planning. Despite this, functioning urban freight transport is vital to our cities. Freight transport plans, environmental zones, procurement, green business models, and capacity building are some of the ways in which local authorities and other stakeholders can proactively improve freight transport in terms of better urban environment and sustainability.
At Trivector, we bring together our in-depth knowledge of local planning processes with urban freight planning, to provide a range of services to our clients relating to urban freight transport.
Hannes Englesson
Fokusområde godstransporter I Fokusområde elektrifiering och fossilfria fordonsflottor
Some of our relevant project experience
SMARTSET – energy-efficient urban terminal solutions, 2013-2016
SMARTSET (EU IEE) aimed to develop market-orientated terminals for a more energy-efficient urban freight transport. The project comprised three parts; business models, energy-efficient vehicle fleets and incentives and regulation. Trivector was leader of the WP on evaluation, and author of the final evaluation report which includes conclusions and recommendations from the 3-year project. For more information, see the website or contact Pernilla Hyllenius.
Open course “Freight transport and city planning”
Trivector has developed, originally within a project in collaboration with Malmö municipality, an open course with the purpose to strengthen participants’ knowledge and awareness of freight transport and how it can be handled within the municipal city planning. The course is continuously updated and further developed and is now held periodically in-house at Trivector. The course covers how the freight transport system works today, an overview of global freight flows and important freight corridors, the importance of freight transport and goods for the community, trends and development, technical aspects and how to handle freight transport at different levels of municipal planning. For more information, contact Pernilla Hyllenius.
Freight transport and Swedish transport policy goals, 2012
This assignment included an analysis of freight transport and how this impacts, as well as how it is impacted by, the Swedish transport policy goals. The analysis looked both at the case when the goals were reached, and when they were not reached. The project report was used as background for Trafikanalys (Swedish government agency for transport policy analysis) as part of their governmental assignment on freight transport. For more information contact Pernilla Hyllenius.