Sustainable transport

    3e platsen kan innehålla en uteservering

    Third places develop our cities

    You can say that 2030 came already 2020. As usual when major crisis hit the human, development takes a big step forward. It happened during the Spanish flu, and during the cholera epidemics that hit Europe. In ...

    Sustainable transport
    Metod för att se var det är mest farligt att cykla

    Analysis of data shows where cycling is most dangerous

    There is now a new method for identifying the places and stretches in the city that are most dangerous for cyclists. The method is based on data comparison of travel routes and accident locations. The analysis ...

    Sustainable transport
    äldre cyklister

    Older adults want to bike more!

    The SAFER project, Safe mobility on bicycles for sustainable aging or "Säker mobilitet på cykel för ett hållbart åldrande" in Swedish, in which Trivector has participated has now been completed. The results sho...

    Sustainable transport
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